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13 July  2024
9 am to 9 pm

This workshop and it’s creative environment will focus not just on practices, but also on Victoria’s insights into creativity and tapping into experiences to make your work bear your own personality.

Topics Covered


- Fashion photography as a tool of visual storytelling
- Creating impactful imagery


- Understanding your voice in photography

- How do you deliver the concept while staying true to your style

- Framework for developing your style


- Practical tools to get more creative


- Coming up with idea

- Use of light and composition in creating mood, amplifying the message


- Putting together a mood board

- Casting

- Styling


- Framing the shot

- Directing the shoot

- Selecting the light

- Using props and backgrounds to reflect the idea

- Shooting


- Victoria's Demo on how she retouches and color grades her imagery
- A special custom-developed preset will be shared with each workshop participant


- Marketing tools

- Business of fashion

- Personal brand

Previous workshop highlights

Who should attend:

– Photographers interested in learning how to create stories behind their photographs irrespective of genre and learn creativity, style, shoot planning and post-production

– Photographers wanting to improve quality of their existing body of work and learn new techniques and creative direction

You will get to learn how to plan and execute your shoot from scratch with team of professionals.

Practice to work with model and set the mood of your shoot.

Fees & Seat Booking:

Investment of INR 15’000 to confirm your seat (100% advance payment)

GET 15% DISCOUNT  with a special code on Victoria’s Instagram.

Payment details will be shared.

Please DROP A MESSAGE AT for confirmation of your seat.

Fees are non refundable, but can be transferred to another workshop in future in case of last-minute inability to make the workshop.

Fees only include a 1-day workshop – location, team and education provided, food and refreshment.

Fees do not include your travel and accommodation.

Knowledge of basics of lighting is recommended to get the most out of the workshop.

What to bring for workshop:

Carry along a notebook and a pen

Please bring your laptop with pre-installed Adobe Photoshop, laptop mouse, pen drive

Please bring your camera kit: camera, lenses, memory cards, charger etc

Workshop Partners



Victoria (Viktoriia) Krundysheva does not accept liabilityfor any loss or additional expense caused by cancellation of the workshop, ordelay or interruption to travel services. Such losses or additional expenses are the responsibility of the passenger/workshop participant.

Victoria (Viktoriia) Krundysheva and her team are not liable for injury, accident or theft resulting from participation in our workshop program. It is the participant’s responsibility to obtain information about any risks involved. Participant signature on the Liability Waiver at the time of registration verifies release of liability of the Victoria (Viktoriia)Krundysheva, staff, volunteers, and any contractors. Any questions about workshop content, requirements or risks may be directed to Victoria (Viktoriia)Krundysheva, prior to the time of registration.


For purposes of the terms & conditions described in thisdocument, Force Majeure shall mean a cause or event such as; war or the threatof war, riots, terrorist activity, civil strife, governmental acts, industrialdisputes, labor strikes, injunctions, natural disasters, nuclear disaster,fire, or unfavorable or adverse weather conditions that is not reasonablyforeseeable or otherwise caused by or under the control of Victoria (Viktoriia)Krundysheva. Any delay or failure in the performance by Victoria (Viktoriia)Krundysheva shall be excused if and to the extent caused by the occurrence of aForce Majeure.


Victoria (Viktoriia) Krundysheva reserves the right to alter or cancel any workshop, for any reason. In the unlikely event that we need to cancel a workshop we will refund all monies paid, in full, or you have the option of receiving a credit in the amount of the workshop fee that may be applied in full to pay for a future workshop to be used within 24 months of the original workshop you are registered to participate in. Victoria (Viktoriia)Krundysheva cannot be responsible for any travel expenses or non-refundable purchases, deposits, or reservations. It is recommended that you purchase trip insurance.

Notification of cancellation will be made via e-mail to you.We cannot be responsible for e-mails not being received in a timely matter due to your service provider(s).


Workshop registrations are accepted on a first come, firstserved basis. All workshop pricing is in Indian standard currency- rupees. All fees may be paid with a bank transfer on provided account details. All fees stated are for workshop tuition only and do not include airfares,transportation, meals, film and processing, or instructor gratuities unlessotherwise noted.

We will confirm our acceptance of your booking in writing and it is at the time we send out this confirmation that a contract comes into existence between us.

The full amount is payable at the time of reservation. This amount/fees are non-refundable.

A non-refundable fee, the amount will be specified in the workshop information, is required at the time of your registration.Reservations for workshops cannot be held without a deposit. Should this payment fail to process or be received by the date specified, we reserve the right to treat the reservation as cancelled. If a reservation is made 90 days or less prior to the workshop start date, then the full amount is payable at the time of reservation.


Air transportation and related fees (except as indicated in the itinerary); activities noted as optional in the itinerary; gratuities,unless otherwise noted on the itinerary page; passport and visa expenses;baggage/accident/cancellation insurance; personal expenses, such as laundry,telephone calls, meals (except as indicated on the itinerary) alcoholic beverages; and any other items not specifically noted as included.Transportation fees are not included in your workshop unless otherwise specified or agreed upon in writing.


All workshop withdrawal requests by the workshop participant must be in writing and received by e-mail and acknowledged by Victoria(Viktoriia) Krundysheva. There are NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY, even for medical emergencies.

Fees in case of cancellation are non-refundable but you have the option of receiving a credit in the amount of the workshop fee that may be applied in full to pay for a future workshop to be used within 24 months of the original workshop you are registered to participate in.


We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for your workshop and travel expenses. Many travel insurance providers offer products that do more than protect the money you invest in your trip — they protect you in unforeseen circumstances. We suggest a plan which offers coverage for medical and dental emergencies, lost baggage, missed connections, and trip cancellation should you have a medical problem that prevents you from attending. Victoria (Viktoriia) Krundysheva is not responsible for cancellations due to medical emergencies or for reimbursement of non-refundable airline tickets in the event of a workshop cancellation.


The private workshop fee does not cover the cost of lodging.Please make your reservations as early as possible to ensure you have acceptable accommodations during your visit.

Unless otherwise noted, group workshops include light snacks and refreshments included in the workshop fee when noted in the workshop description page on the website.


Workshop participants must provide their own photography gear and laptop computer. A vehicle is highly recommended for all the workshops, except where noted that ground transport is included in the price.


The type of workshops we offer requires flexibility and must allow for alternatives. For this reason, the workshop description must be taken as an indication of what may take place, and not as a contractual obligation.


(Viktoriia) Krundysheva photographic workshops are within the abilities of average people in good health. We ask that you please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the activity levels ofthe workshops. By reserving a space in a workshop with a deposit, you certify that you do not knowingly have any physical or other conditions of disability that would create a risk for you or other workshop participants or workshop staff. Once your workshop payment has been made, medical circumstances will not be considered as exceptions to our cancellation policy. We assume no responsibility for medical care or for special dietary requirements.


We reserve the right to take photographs or videos during the operation of any workshop or part thereof and to use the resulting photography in whole or in part for promotional purposes, including, but not limited to: advertising and publicity both in print and electronic media. By booking a reservation with Victoria (Viktoriia) Krundysheva, participants agreeto allow their images to be used in such photography; participants who prefer that their image not be used are asked to identify themselves to Victoria(Viktoriia) Krundysheva r at the commencement of the workshop. We also reserve the right to use, in all or in part, any written reviews you may provide to usin our advertising and publicity both in print and electronic media.


The possession and use of alcohol and illegal drugs are prohibited in any of the classrooms, meal areas or rooms used by Victoria(Viktoriia) Krundysheva or at any field workshop location.


By paying the workshop fees you are agreeing to accept all  the above terms & conditions.

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Signup for upcoming events and workshops!